At Inventive Power®,we offer you great career opportunities, first of all to promote the power of innovation. We are interested in very creative people who want to develop their full potential and learn and grow with the company. Inventive Power® is interested in people that are highly qualified in their fields of study and with great enthusiasm to solve the global problem of energy generation for a better world.
The ideal employee for the company is a person who knows how to work coordinately in highly competitive teams that can adapt to constant change but, above all, have fun and passion in his/her work.
Please contact us and send your CV to contacto@inventivepower.com.mx if you wish to become a member of our team.
Oficina Principal
Volcán Cofre de Perote #5189-A
Col. Colli Urbano
Zapopan, Jalisco, México
C.P. 45070
+52 (33) 1371 3125