Power Trough 250®
What is Power Trough 250®?
Power Trough 250® Linear Parabolic Solar Collector used for industrial applications and thermal power generation between 90°-260°C. Our solar collector is unique in the market for generation of steam or heat, and brings higher efficiency, compared to other solar collectors.
Power Trough 250® technology has a higher concentration ratio, which allows us to obtain high temperatures to contribute generating steam or dry heat for industrial processes.
How does it work?
The Power Trough 250® consists of a highly reflective surface, channel shaped, that directs all sun’s rays that fall on it to a receiver tube, through which a liquid flows, which absorbs all the collected energy.
The system is modular, allowing concentrators to be assembled in series and connecting several rows to increase solar gain.
The system follows the sun to reduce its angle of incidence by an autonomous solar tracking system, Power Tracker PRO®. This tracking system allows you to follow the sun throughout the day, taking advantage of the maximum solar radiation available and returning the system to a shelter position at night. Also, this tracking system provides security features during high winds, storms and overheating.
Modelo |
Apertura del colector |
Longitud del colector |
Área efectiva de colección solar |
Diámetro exterior del tubo receptor |
Superficie reflejante |
Material de tubo receptor |
Tratamiento de tubo receptor |
Emisividad de tubo receptor |
Material de cubierta de cristal |
Rango de temperaturas de aplicación |
Potencia térmica entregada |
Reflectancia total superficie reflejante |
Tiempo de vida útil del producto |
Power Trough 250® |
25 m |
5 m |
12.10 m2 |
42 mm |
Aluminio Anodizado |
AISI 304 |
Recubrimiento selectivo |
< 10% a 200ºC |
Borosilicato |
90 – 260ºC |
7,100 Wt (6.73 BTU/s) |
90% |
>20 años |
Procesos ideales para instalar Power Trough 250®
Oficina Principal
Volcán Cofre de Perote #5189-A
Col. Colli Urbano
Zapopan, Jalisco, México
C.P. 45070
+52 (33) 1371 3125